How to Reduce Stress Let’s understand first in various ways … WHAT IS STRESS Stress can be defined as our Mental , Physical , Emotional and Behavioural reactions to any perceived Desire , Demands , Threats , Challenges , Events , Sudden Changes. Stress also called as Pressure, Tension, Strain, Force. Stress is directly connected with Events. Stress is more Psychological rather than Physica l. First it effects our Emotions , It increases Feelings of Emotional or Physical Tension , fear and Worries for mishappening of Unforeseen or Known Event. It can come from any Event or thought that makes you feel Frustrated, Angry, or Nervous . Depressed , Irritated. Stress is a normal human reaction that can be happens with almost Everyone. In fact, the human body is designed to experience Stress and react to it. When you experience Changes or Challenges your body produces physical and mental responses. Sometime Stress is Spontaneous and some