How to give him Blow job Do you remember when you orally satisfied your man last time? Was it amazing, unique, extra ordinary, mind blowing? And what was his response and reaction? Show your love and Donate via Paypal Would you like to know more how to give your man a perfect blow job? How to blow his mind and take care of him to the heights of pleasure, he has never experienced before with anybody else? It fairly often happens that males don’t like getting blow jobs from their partner and that is itself should blow your mind too because men everywhere claims that there is nothing better than a blowjob, or that even average or bad blowjobs are still a great experience. However it turns out many men prefer to turn down an offer of oral sex from their partner and let me clear you why because this is something matter of curiosity that very high percentage of women give very poor blow job . And it ruins the sexual feelings of men. They normally st...