Type of Vagina Discussion about female sexual anatomy, and sexual organ is still taboo in many culture and society even today. Everyone wants to know but nobody likes to talk about. Although the anatomy of sexual organs is taught in school, perhaps not in every school, but there is still too little knowledge about the female genitals. Females feel shy to ask and parents & teacher also sometime try to avoid this topic. So let’s discuss first about the female reproductive organs and difference in Vulva and Vagina . The female sexual genital tract is divided into the external and internal genitalia. The external genitalia is Vulva , consist of the external sex organs structures. The vulva includes the mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, vestibular bulbs, vulval vestibule, urinary meatus, hymen, Bartholin’s glands, external urethra, skene’s glands, and pubic hair. The vulva also includes the entrance of the vagina , which lead...